
Blue Note would not be able to run without the support of community members. If you are short on cash (or if you’d just like to help us out), volunteer for an hour, and you will get into the dance for free.

If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up for the mailing list below. You will receive on email to confirm your subscription and then a monthly email to check your availability. After that, you will only receive emails if you are requested and confirm your availability to volunteer for that month.

We require that, like staff, all volunteers be responsible and reliable. If you are confirmed to volunteer, please show up on time (being early doesn’t hurt), and be ready as soon as your shift starts. You will be given all the information and instructions you need to fulfill your duties, and there will be staff members available to help you with any questions or anything outside your duties.

If you have any questions, you may email us at volunteer@bluenotesd.com.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Sorry, there are no volunteer opportunities available right now.

Sign Up to Volunteer